刘永东 教授 博士生导师
中国化学会会员,担任Environ. Sci. Technol., Water Research和《化学通报》等期刊评审专家。
1. 2023-2026国家自然科学基金资助项目“含氮芳杂环卤代消毒副产物卤化位点的确定及其转化产物的识别”(面上 22276004)主持
2. 2021-2023北京市自然科学基金资助项目“污水深度处理氯消毒剂与游离及结合氨基酸反应机制的研究”(面上 8212021) 主持
3. 2018-2021国家自然科学基金资助项目“含氮消毒副产物形成机制及其前体识别的理论研究”(面上 21777006)主持
4. 2017-2019北京市自然科学基金资助项目“预臭氧化技术控制N-DBPs形成的机制及效应评价研究”(面上 8172013) 主持
5. 2014-2016 北京市教委基金资助项目“消毒处理水中致癌性N-亚硝胺形成机理的研究”(面上km201410005029) 主持
6. 2013-2016国家环境部环保公益性行业科研专项子项目 “环境致癌物N-亚硝胺人体健康水质基准的研究”(201009032) 主持
7. 2013-2015北京市自然科学基金资助项目“重金属协同NDMA形成的复合污染机制的研究”(面上8132015) 主持
8. 2013-2015 北京市青年拔尖人才培养计划 “典型重金属影响强致癌性N-亚硝胺形成的机理研究”(CIT&TCD201304057) 主持
9. 2010-2012 国家自然科学基金资助项目 “近中性条件下强致癌性N-亚硝胺形成机理的研究”(青年类20903006) 主持
10. 2009-2011 北京市科技新星计划资助项目 “强致癌性N-亚硝胺形成机理及抑制方法的研究”(B类2008B09) 主持
11. 2009-2011 北京市自然科学基金资助项目“强致癌性N-亚硝胺形成中催化机理的研究”(面上2092008) 主持
12. 2007-2009 北京市留学回国人员择优资助项目 “亚硝胺形成机理及抑制方法的研究”(优秀类) 主持
1. Zhou Y. Y., Jiao J-J, Huang H., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G., Yang X. Insights into C‒C bond cleavage mechanisms in dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) formation during chlorination of long-chain primary amines, amino acids, and dipeptides. Environ. Sci. & Technol. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est. 2c07779 (2023)
2. Xue J. Y., Zhou Y. Y., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Transformation mechanisms of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination: A computational study. Sci. Total Environ. 836, 155592 (2022)
3. Han Y. Z., Zhou Y. Y., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Reaction mechanisms of histidine and carnosine with hypochlorous acid along with chlorination reactivity of N-chlorinated intermediates: a computational study. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 35(5), 750-759 (2022)
4. Zhou Y. Y., Ye Z-X, Huang H., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Formation mechanism of chloropicrin from amines and free amino acids during chlorination: A combined computational and experimental study. J. Hazard. Materials. 416, 125819 (2021)
5. Shen Q., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R. G. Degradation mechanisms of simple aliphatic amines under ozonation: a DFT study. Environ. Sci: Processes & Impacts 23, 480-490 (2021)
6. Zhao H. Y., Zhou Y. Y., Han C. X., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R. G. Degradation mechanisms and substituent effects of N-chloro-α-amino acids: a computational study. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 54(5), 2635-2645 (2020)
7. Zhang S., Zhou Y. Y., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R. G. Reinvestigation of NDMA formation mechanisms from tertiary amines during chloramination: a DFT study. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. & Technol. 6(8), 2078-2088 (2020)
8. Dong M., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. NDMA formation mechanisms from typical hydrazines and hydrazones during ozonation: A computational study. J. Hazard. Materials. 366, 370-377 (2019)
9. Liu J.Q., Dong M., Zhang S., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Theoretical investigation of the gas-phase SN2 reactions of anionic and neutral nucleophiles with chloramines. J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 3045-3056 (2018)
10. Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Comparison of N-nitrosodimethylamine formation mechanisms from dimethylamine during chloramination and ozonation: a computational study. J. Hazard. Materials. 321, 362-370 (2017)
11. Zhang O., Zou X., Li Q. H., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Experimental and theoretical investigation of effects of ethanol and acetic acid on NDMA formation in simulated gastric fluid. J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 4505-4513 (2016)
12. Zhang T. T., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Iron(II) porphyrins induced conversion of nitrite into nitric oxide: a computational study. J. Inorg. Biochem. 150, 126-132 (2015)
13. Liu Y. D.*, Selbes M., Zeng C. C., Zhong R., Karanfil, T. Formation mechanism of NDMA from ranitidine, TMA and other tertiary amines during chloramination: a computational study. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 48(15), 8653-8663 (2014)
14. Sun Z., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Reactions of amine and peroxynitrite: evidence for hydroxylation as predominant reaction and new insight into the modulation of CO2 J. Phys. Chem. A 116(30), 8058-8066 (2012)
15. Sun Z., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Carbon dioxide in the nitrosation of amine: catalyst or inhibitor? J. Phys. Chem. A 115(26), 7753-7764 (2011)
16. Sun Z., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Theoretical investigation of N-nitrosodimethylamine formation from nitrosation of trimethylamine J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 455-465 (2010)
17. Lv C. L., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Theoretical investigation of N-nitrosodimethylamine formation from dimethylamine nitrosation catalyzed by carbonyl compounds, J. Phys. Chem. A 113(4), 713-718 (2009)
18. Lv C. L., Liu Y. D.*, Zhong R.G. Theoretical investigation of nitration and nitrosation of dimethylamine by N2O4. J. Phys. Chem. A 112(30) 7098-7105 (2008)
19. Liu, Y.D. and Roy, P.-N. Energy levels and wave functions of weakly bound 4Hex20NeyH (x+y=2) systems using Pekeris coordinates and symmetry-adapted Lanczos approach. J. Chem. Phys. 121(13), 6282-6289 (2004)
20. Li, Q. S., Liu, Y. D., Xie, Y. M., King, R. B. and Schaefer H. F. Binuclear homoleptic copper carbonyls Cu2(CO)x (x=1~6); remarkable structures contrasting metal-metal multiple bonding with low-dimensional copper bonding. Inorg. Chem. 40, 5842-5850. (2001)