殷明杰 博士生导师
2012/07-2016/04: 香港理工大学 电机工程系, 博士
2008/09-2011/03: 浙江大学 高分子科学与工程学系,硕士
2003/09-2007/06: 西南大学 化学化工学院,化学学士
2019-至今: 威尼斯wns.8885556 威尼斯wns.8885556,校聘教授
2017-2019: 南洋理工大学 电机与电子工程学院, 博士后
2016-2017: 香港理工大学 电机工程系,博士后
2011-2012: 香港理工大学 电机工程系,研究助理
1) 聚合物分离膜及膜过程
2) 响应性功能膜
3) 微纳加工柔性光电子器件
有机化学Ш (本科)
功能高分子材料与加工 (研究生)
1. 2020年—2023年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持。
2. 2019年—2023年,企事业委托项目,主持。
3. 2020年—2024年,威尼斯wns.8885556优秀人才计划项目,主持。
1)W. Han, M.J. Yin*, W.H. Zhang, Z.J. Liu, N.X. Wang, K.T. Yong, and Q.F. An*, Acid-resistance and self-repairing supramolecular nanoparticle membranes via hydrogen-bonding for sustainable molecules separation, Advanced Science, 2021. (IF=16.806)
2)W.S. Sun, M.J. Yin, W.H. Zhang, S. Li, N. Wang and Q.F. An*, Green technique for rapid fabrication of unprecedentedly high-performance PEO membranes for CO2 capture, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(30), 10167–10175. (IF=8.198)
3)M.J. Yin, Z.R. Li, T.R. Lv, K.T. Yong*, and Q.F. An*, Low-voltage driven flexible organic thin-film transistor humidity sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 339, 129887. (IF=7.46)
4)H. Lin, X. Cheng, M.J. Yin*, Z.Z. Bao, X.B. Wei, and B.B. Gu*, Flexible porphyrin doped polymer optical fibers for rapid and remote detection of trace DNT vapor, Analyst, 2020, 145, 5307-5313. (IF=4.616)
5) M.J. Yin, Z.G. Yin, Y.X. Zhang, Q.D. Zheng*, and A.P. Zhang*, Micropatterned elastic ionic polyacrylamide hydrogel for low-voltage capacitive and organic thin-film transistor pressure sensors, Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 96-104. (IF=17.881)
6) M.J. Yin, Q. Zhao*, J.S. Wu, K. Taeuber, and J.Y. Yuan*, Precise micropatterning of a porous poly(ionic liquid) via maskless photolithography for high-performance non-enzymatic H2O2 sensing, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 12551-12557. (IF=15.881)
7) M.J. Yin, B.B. Gu*, Q.F. An, C.B. Yang, Y.L. Guan, and K.T. Yong*, Recent development of fiber-optic chemical sensors and biosensors: mechanisms, materials, micro/nano-fabrications, and applications, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2018, 376, 348–392. (IF=22.315)
8) M.J. Yin, Y.X. Zhang, Z.G. Yin, Q.D. Zheng and A.P. Zhang*, Micropatterned elastic gold-nanowire/polyacrylamide composite hydrogels for wearable pressure sensors, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2018, 3, 1800051. (Selected as Back Cover and Highlighted by Materials Views China). (IF=7.848)
9) M.J. Yin, M. Yao, S.R. Gao, A.P. Zhang*, H.Y. Tam and P.K.A. Wai, Rapid 3D patterning of poly (acrylic acid) ionic hydrogel for miniature pH sensors, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 1394-1399. (Highlighted by Materials Views China) (IF=30.849)
10) M.J. Yin, B.B. Huang, S.R. Gao, A.P. Zhang*, and X.S. Ye, Optical fiber LPG biosensor integrated microfluidic chip for ultrasensitive glucose detection, Biomedical Optics Express, 2016, 7, 2067-2077. (Featured by The Optical Society OSA with a news release and Top Downloads in Biomedical Optics Express in July 2016) (IF=3.732)